Monday, August 29, 2011

What is "cardNum" column in exported file and how can I use it?

From version 1.17 Flashcards Buddy offers the way to update the existing card's content using Google Docs import feature.

Each card in Flashcards Buddy has a unique number generated by its database. This number can be found in top-right corner in “Card editor” screen and is always included in “cardNum” column of export files.

From version 1.17, Flashcards Buddy checks the existence of this number and will do extra processing for data import. The detail goes as follows.

1. If Flashcards Buddy doesn't see the “cardNum” column in Google Docs spreadsheet or find “cardNum” column is empty, new card is created for the record. (Original import process. very simple and straight.)

2. If Flashcards Buddy sees the “cardNum” in Google Docs, it does extra check whether there is corresponding card exists in Flashcards Buddy database.

If it finds a card with same card number, it will update the card.
Otherwise, it will ignore the provided card number and create new card.

Let's say we have three cards in currently selected card set

Card number ... front side text
34 ............ "I am the first card"
35 ............ "I am the second card"
36 ............ "I am the third card"

and you have entered following record in Google Spreadsheet.

36 ............ "I am the new update"

The result of import is "Update" of the card 36 and you will see the front side text is updated to "I am the new update"

But, if you have following record.

37 ............ "I am the new update"

You will see "Creation" of new card because the number cannot be matched to any cards in selected card set.

Following is the standard test procedure how to test the update using "cardNum" column.

Step 1) Go to Flashcards Buddy main screen

Step 2) Select the first card set in the list and go to "Card set" screen.

Step 3) Press "Export" button in right side button area and export the card set to Google Docs

Step 4) Go to Google Docs and check the exported spreadsheet
Then you will see "cardNum" column with numbers of each cards.
This card number is always generated by Flashcards Buddy and can be used as the card identifier in import.

Step 5) Change the front page text of first two cards (Don't touch the given card number in “cardNum” column)

Step 6) Remove all records except the two you just modified.

Step 7) Go back to Flashcards Buddy main screen and go to the card set you just exported.

Step 8) Press the "Import" button in right side button area and select "from Google Docs"

Step 9) Go to the spreadsheet you just updated.
There you should see only two records with modified front side text.

Step 10) Import them, those record should update the existing cards.