Saturday, December 31, 2011

Requested features

It would be so great if you could add an option to allow the flashcards to change on their own at timed intervals

I would like the option to copy a card to another card set. Like it works now, the card is removed from the current card set when I move it to another. It would make things alot smoother for me if I could move a copy instead.

I have over 60 sets of flash cards on quizlet. I would like you to develop a "sync" button to where I am able to sync every set in the same order, organization, and folder as I have on quizlet to my andriod. Without importing every single one individually.

the possibility to random back and front side

create a new card set with search result.

Is their a way to password protect or mark a flash card confidential?
would it be possible when there is an image on a flashcard to link to the original full size image? Although the pictures are alright in most cases, there are some pictures that appear to small on the flashcard, and being able to see the whole thing would be great.

It would be awesome if you could do a quiz setting where it will automatically read out the front of the card, pause a few seconds, read the back of the cards, then flip to the next card and repeat the process all over until the end of the deck. This feature would be great for hands-free quizzes on the road.

Please make tap possible instead of only swipe to see the answer

How about being able to create a new card set after filtering the original.