Step 0) Go to your phone's Home screen > MENU > Settings > Sound > Volume
TTS uses "Media" sound. make sure you have the right volume level for "Media".
Step 2) Select any card set on the list and go to "Card set" screen.
Step 3) Select "Option" button in right side short-button area and go to "Card list setting" screen.
Step 4) Enable TTS feature as follows
Check on "Enable text to speach button" Checkbox
Check on "Play speech as you flip cards" Checkbox
Select language "English, US"
Step 5) Press "Save" at the bottom of the screen.
Step 6) Browse the cards. and check if you can see the TTS button top-left corner right next marker icon.
Step 7) Flip the cards.
Because of the "Play speech as you flip cards" setting, Flashcards Buddy should automatically play the sound.